Russians killed over 80,000 Ukrainians in Mariupol
Yelena Murza, a psychologist from Mariupol, spoke with experts last week who told her about a study to establish the number of people killed in Mariupol. She wrote about this on her Facebook page.
This week I heard from a person with the status who now lives in Kyiv that over 80,000 mobile numbers from Mariupol went silent forever after March-April 2022. This was established by technicians from telephone stations using their equipment. The person said that this was a study by specialists associated with the organization "I am Mariupol".
I did not hear this from our president or his team. He does not talk about this in negotiations with Western politicians. Western journalism or Amnesty does not write about this. They write about the Syrian prison where 30,000 were shot over 20 years, but about 100,000 in Mariupol.
What are 80 thousand mobile phones that went silent forever? It should be said that all Mariupol residents who left for unoccupied Ukraine or Europe used old numbers, because all their friends and relatives were there. All those who left for Russia had the opportunity to use their mobile phone, changing the number to call old contacts. When a mobile phone was lost, it was possible to restore the number through the operator to save contacts. But this was done by the owner of the mobile phone. In the first months of the war, it was possible to call from Ukrainian numbers from occupied Ukraine via Viber, Telegram, Kozlu, Yolla. Many old people, sick people and children did not have a mobile phone. 80 thousand mobile phones that went silent forever - this is more than 100 thousand shot lives.
Why do we hear about this only in private conversations and accidental slips of the tongue? Because this is an indicator not only of the animal cruelty of the enemy, but also of the crimes of the authorities, who in two weeks were unable to organize the preservation of the lives of their citizens, and preserved their own, because they ran away.
Why is it so important that each of us, Mariupol and non-Mariupol residents, shout about this out loud to the whole world? Because the West is trying to negotiate with Russia, to leave the "realities on the ground", Mariupol in the clutches of the enemy, but does not want to fight Russia even with weapons, without its own soldiers.
The event has been helping Ukraine to survive for three years, but does not help Ukraine to win. The event has been silent about Mariupol in the political space for three years, even having paid off with a Nobel Prize for a documentary. The event behaves like the Mariupol and Ukrainian authorities. They ran away from the victims of Mariupol and from the understanding that a maniac cannot be left free.
We are not silent, like all politicians and all authorities. Let's make it so that they cannot escape the truth. Our demand is for the enemy to be caught and punished, and for the world to be safe, and not to have to deal with a global Assad. We shout, we tell, we write, so as not to let the politicians jump into their swamp. Our demand is the punishment of all murderers of peaceful people.
Well, THAT’S good news, anyway!